Association for the Coaching & Tutoring Profession

Engage. Educate. Empower.

Information for New Tutoring Center Directors

March 17, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 11:30 am

  • Ballroom C
  • Ballroom C

About Session

Are you a new tutoring center director? Learn how to gain traction in your new environment and develop the basis for an action plan for the next year as well as a multi-year strategic plan. In this session, you will be presented with a multitude of ideas, resources, and tools to develop or enhance key facets of your tutoring center to increase its impact. Topics may include: conducting an informal review, developing vision/mission, planning, program design and implementation, training, budgeting, status reporting, creating a tutor handbook, managing and improving daily operations, developing an annual report, implementing an advisory board, dealing with bureaucracy, and more!
