Association for the Coaching & Tutoring Profession

Engage. Educate. Empower.

Tutoring Certifications

The ACTP offers two tutoring certification tracks, one for Tutor Trainers and one for Tutors.

Tutor Trainer Certification

Tutor Trainer Certification is obtained onsite at our annual conference.

Who can obtain Tutor Trainer Certification

The training is intended for professionals in higher education serving as tutor trainers (directors, coordinators, supervisors, etc.)

Certification requires participation in a full-day pre-conference workshop held on the Sunday before the conference begins. A follow-up session on Tuesday is also required and serves as the certification award ceremony

Certification Topic
9:00 - 9:30am
Welcome, Expectations, Process
9:30 - 10:00am
Learning Assistance: Types of Programs and Services
10:00 - 10:15am
Finding and Integrating Tutors, Networking, Promoting, Marketing
10:15 - 11:15am
Training Tutors: "Five Knowledges" Framework
11:15 - 12:00pm
Training Tutors: Theory and Sequence
12:00 - 2:00pm
Lunch on Your Own
2:00 - 2:30pm
Training Tutors: Mindset and Skillset
2:30 - 3:15pm
The Role, Identity, and Tasks of the Coordinator / Trainer
3:15 - 3:45pm
Assessment: Observations and Evaluations
3:45 - 4:30pm
Tutor Certification, Topics, Roadmap

Following the ACTP conference, all certified tutor trainers may then certify individual tutors at their home institution following their first, full training program which meets the minimum number of hours and topics

Tutor Certification

Tutor Certification is awarded by individuals who have received Tutor Trainer Certification.


More Information Coming Soon

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The CLADEA website maintains a current list of
Fellows of the Council

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©2024 Association for the Coaching and Tutoring Profession