Association for the Coaching & Tutoring Profession

Engage. Educate. Empower.

Implementing Inquiry-Based Holistic Coaching to Promote Student Success

March 17, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm

  • Ballroom B
  • Ballroom B

About Session

Academic coaching is aimed at empowering students to take control of their learning and reach their full potential by providing them with the tools and support they need to succeed in their academic pursuits. Participants will become skilled in using a holistic inquiry-based coaching arch model, developed by Lifebound Academic and Professional Coaching ( The model is underpinned by Sternberg’s theory of intelligence, incorporating powerful questions within a semi-structured format focusing on analytic skills (reflection and self-awareness), creative skills (e.g., goal setting and planning), and practical skills (taking action and accountability). Holistic academic coaching approaches are rooted in humanistic psychology holding the belief that every person has the potential for growth and the capacity to achieve their goals. Participants will learn to use the model to help their students (a) set goals, (b) identify challenges, and (c) create and implement action plans.


Sarah Kravits

Sarah Kravits

Academic Coach, Rutgers University - New Brunswick